Spring is here! The trees are leafing out and the wildflowers are starting to bloom. The last several days have been beautiful -- sunny and pleasantly warm. I have no excuse for not have gotten out earlier in the week!

So we took a drive today, but saw very few birds. Another sign of Spring, alas! Right by the high school, I saw this meadow lark. I usually only see them flying away.

As we headed out along FM 362 (the back side of our larger loop), we saw this pair of Caracara (would that be a ParaCara?). They were very cooperative and let us take several pictures. But after I got out of the car, one of them got a bit nervous and flew away.
We saw several ducks and herons in a soggy field, but they were too far for pictures. The other sure sign of spring in my area was seeing a Scissor-tail flycatcher on the wing. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture.