Sunday, February 24, 2008

Anniversary Weekend Birding Trip -- Day 1

We decided to celebrate our wedding anniversary with a birding trip. Since we were over our colds, ready to be over some daily challenges, and having a reason to celebrate, we decided to make this a bit more "planned" trip than some of our past trips.

Our planning included driving to Fulton (one of our favorite places), taking the boat tour which we have enjoyed in the past, then heading to Kingsville and taking the 1/2 day birding tour at King Ranch in hopes of seeing some of the South Texas specialties that we had yet to see.

Thursday was rainy and gray -- so were the few pictures we took when we arrived, however we did come up with a less than usual bird -- the Redish Egret.

I'll have to admit that most of our pictures came out gray as well, so a bit of lightening was required.

We saw several birds out on the pier grooming themselves, including these Brown Pelicans -- a juvenile and an adult. The juvenile has a dark neck -- though it looks more bare than dark. Maybe it moults, and then grows in the adult white feathers.

After our quick trip down Fulton Beach Road to Rockport and back, we decided to settle in and plan for our dinner at "The Boiling Pot" -- Cajun-style shrimp, crab and crayfish. Yum!

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