Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bolivar Ferry

Last weekend we headed out for High Island. We took the long, indirect route down to Freeport and along the coast. We drove the entire length of Galveston Island to take the ferry across to Bolivar Peninsula. This has always been a favorite pastime of mine, since I was a child. Unfortunately, as we headed out, I started coming down with a cold. When we got on the ferry, I did not even get out of the car.

Here is the other ferry launching in a cloud of gulls.

At each end of the ferry, the flags are flying. In the previous picture, you see the US flag, and here is the Texas flag, with an attendant seagull.

While the overall trip was a little disap- pointing, both because of my cold, and because of the limited number of birds -- we actually did add several birds to our life list this trip. This one is the Red-breasted Merganser

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