Monday, June 12, 2006


I love hibiscus -- they are always so bright and beautiful. The place that we stayed in Fulton had hibiscus in front of every one of their cabins. Here are a few:


Anonymous said...

Great pictures Stormy! Your camera work is getting better and better!


Stormy said...

Thanks Neocon,

I'm also getting a bit more selective of which pictures I post. When you take a LOT you can afford to do that! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, thank goodness for digital cameras! Think how much film we used to waste.

Hope you and Marc can come to the next LST BrewHaHa June 23rd. I'd like to meet both of you.


Stormy said...

Yeah! I was no better with a film camera! Now I can take a lot of pictures and pick out the few that come out ok! ;-)

I won't be around for the BrewHaHa -- which is a shame, cause I'd like to go. Maybe we can make the next one.

Anonymous said...


I finally got her attention on the brew thingy, I am a non beer drinker because I am alergic to hops. Wodka O.K. tho. We will attend when she gets back.