I did get out for my walk this morning, but it was a little late, so I didn't walk a whole mile. One good thing I noticed is that at 10:00 am, my garden area was wholly in the sun!
Even though I spent most of the day inside listening to the Tri-County EMS scanner, I did notice a few interesting things. A couple of times, I saw Grackles (large black birds) on my seed feeder. I also noticed that my thermometer got up to 101 degrees this afternoon (for only a moment). Then the temp dropped quickly, vacillated a bit, then settled on about 96. Strange, if you ask me. I wondered if a bird or something was sitting on the sensor?
Tomorrow, as I'm sure everyone knows, is the 10th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 attacks. I have received only one email, but saw several posts on FaceBook of remembrances of the event. While I too feel that we should "never forget," I found quickly that I am not up to reading through all the stories. However, my choir sings tomorrow. I think the song I have chosen is appropriate to the day, both for the lessons of the day, and the remembrance of the tragedy. It's the song It Is Well. The person who wrote the song had lost his daughters in a tragedy at sea, and yet, with God's help is able to go on with his life. Here's a link to a version of this song sung by three young siblings that one of my choir members sent me.
"When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, "It is well, it is well, with my soul."
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