Tuesday, March 05, 2024

When your dreams are bigger than you are...

 My progress goes in spits and spurts.  (That's an old saying, please don't judge!)

I'm a bit on the lazy side, but today I got busy... eventually.  I started this morning thinking of all the things I needed to do towards my homestead and put together a spreadsheet.  Then I got a text from my vet saying my kitty's meds were ready, so I dropped everything and drove to the next town to pick up the meds.

It was noon, so I grabbed lunch and went to the nearest Lowes to look at paving squares.  I decided that Home Depot was cheaper, so headed home.  But my mind was still on my list, so I fed and medicated the cat and headed for Tractor Supply, where I spent a LOT of money.

What I needed was a gate for the garden fence.  And I got that.  I also bought a chicken coop and feeders and waterers, bedding and a bit of food.  I don't have chickens yet - I'm hoping to get pullets, not baby chicks.

But there was another thing on my mind.  Bamboo.  A week ago, my yard guy cleared out a lot of bamboo and brush from my place.  After a week, here's what the fence line looks like:

Those are bamboo shoots - some almost two feet tall.  I called and told my yard guy that I needed mowing done - he said it would be next week.  Today is Tuesday.  By next week, these bamboo will be too big to mow.  So I bought a riding mower.  The monthly payments are less than I pay for mowing.

The chicken coop is in my truck and I'm not sure how I will get it out.  The rest of the "big stuff" will be delivered this week.  Maybe I'll have the delivery guy help me get the coop out of the truck.

I decided to start moving the old fence boards out of the tractor shed so I'll have a place for my new mower.  It's not all the way there, but it's a start.  I also have some additional blocks for the raised beds.

After all this, I came inside to check in with my supervisor.  She watches me through the window.

Until next time,


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